
"The Illuminati doesn't run the world. C programmers do."

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Bilal Kahraman

Computer Engineering Student

Personal Profile

I am open to development and learning. I am trying to improve my software and algorithm skills by solving algorithms on leetcode, hackerrank and kaggle. Since I am mainly document-oriented while improving myself, my ability to understand English is very high. I am fluently able to implement C/C++ languages. I am currently working on embedded systems with the STM32F407VG development board. I’m working on realtime operating systems using the board. I used various modules like HC-05 Bluetooth, nrf24l01 etc. I learned to use several protocols such as I2C, USART, SPI. I have experiences with both ARM and 8086 architectures. Furthermore, I work on artificial neural networks. I studied simple neural nets, pattern association, competitive nets and backpropagation neural nets. Now, I’m working on convolutional neural networks and looking at ResNet-50, VGG-16 and YOLOv3. I have experience with Keras, Numpy, OpenCV. I would like to improve myself in artificial intelligence.


I am a computer engineering student who wants to improve himself in computer science. I want to work in R&D centers and contribute to the development of future technologies. My goal is to develop myself at the level of artificial intelligence and hardware and to take part in projects that will combine them.


  • Turkish : Native
  • English : Upper Intermediate


BS, Computer Engneerng, Electrcal-Electronc Faculty, GPA: 3.20/4 Grade: 3

Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey

Computer Engneerng, Faculty of Electroncs and Informaton Technology, GPA: 3.06/4

2020 February-July
Warsaw University of Tecnology, Warsaw, Poland (Erasmus Exchange Program)

Other Credentials

President of Multidisciplinary Innovation Technologies (MİNT) 2020/2021

My duty as a president is to make directions within the club and to provide coordination inside. As the technology club, we aim to gather people from different disciplines around innovative ideas. We continue our efforts to use and improve technology in the structure of our club. With this motivation, we build six new teams around autonomous systems, artificial intelligence, mobile development, computer vision, algorithms and problem solving etc. We organized the AI and Data Science summit, several MinTalks, various trainings about computer sciences.

Vice President of Education Unit at Multidisciplinary Innovation Technologies (MİNT) 2019/2020

Vice President of Education Unit at Multidisciplinary Innovation Technologies (MİNT) 2019/2020 For general, I coordinate the people in the unit. I prepare training forms and inform more than 100 students per training. I also help students with training requirements and answer their question about training. The events we organized: Introduction to Data Science with R, Python Language and Literature with Linux, UiPath: Robotic Process Automation, Design Thinking. I organized Design Thinking training myself.

Nova Research Lab 2021

I working on reimplementation of EfficientDet object detection network.

Turkish Technology Team Foundation Scholarship Volunteer 2020/2021

I am a member of the informatics coordination team. I am making projects with the Deneyap development card.

AURORA UAV Software Team Member 2020/2021

I contribute to the software required for autonomous flight and the hardware-level work of the UAV. We are preparing for the Technofest competition. I am working on MAVProxy and dronekit softwares.

Multivision Team Member 2020/2021

Computer vision team. We are preparing for the technofest competition (Artificial Intelligence in Transportation). I work on YoloV3, R-CNN and Retina Net.

AI Study Group - YTUMİNT 2020/2021

I studied convolutional neural network architectures such as VGG-16, ResNet. I mostly used Keras and OpenCV. I work with cinic10, mnist, stanford car dataset. I also studied generative adversarial networks

Compile Genesis - YTUMİNT 2020/2021

We work on competitive programming. Our goal is to participate weekly contest on websites like leetcode, codeforce.